Winter Settling In

Posted: Dec 08, 2019
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1138 The snow is not going anywhere and it is starting to look a bit like Christmas around the resort. Troy has about 12 trees lit up through the resort and it is getting more and more feeling like Christmas IMG_1145 We did play Scrooge with a squirrel . The squirrel is trying to get in to the feeder and our automatic squirrel spinner is taking it for quite a ride. Squirrel ended being flung into a snow bank IMG_1163 We had Jake and Sarah up this weekend. They were working on earning some extra Christmas money by filling the woodshed IMG_1167 They helped us get a start on next summer's wood. They earned a few Christmas cookies IMG_1169 We also had the Moore family up this weekend They tried out snowshoes for the first time. Vicki was having fun in the snow IMG_1170 Vicki, Rob and Barb had a few visitors down in the driveway by Holiday at night 59750643753__5636CCF3-85DF-4C74-BA66-4AEC3D7C335B Mack was not interested in the visitors but much happier to count down to Christmas in front of the fireplace Our college students, Ben and Grant will be home this week for break and Christmas gets going as they are home for the holidays. We do have openings throughout the Christmas break if you are looking to sneak up to the woods. I just put Wigwam on special for Christmas up to Dec 26th at 180/night for up to 5 people.
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