Wild-Wood to Wildflowers

Posted: Jul 21, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2660 Wood has been wildly flying off the wood splitter this week. Thanks to Ted, Troy and Steve there is plenty of firepit wood for a year IMG_2661 Steve with a gleam in his eye attacking the wood the old fashioned way. He was splitting wood that will never see a firepit or a cabin fireplace. Oak is kept in Troy's secret storage spot for our woodstove for our house this winter. Funny thing I have discovered over the years is that most folks do not like to use oak as it is harder to start the fire. People in the cabins love birch and popple as it starts much easier. We will happily keep the golden oak supply all to ourselves IMG_2666 Along the road there has been a pretty yellow flower blooming in the last week or so. I had it identified by Char and her daughters Karey and Anne IMG_2665 It is a non native plant called Birds-Foot Trefoil introduced from Europe. It was originally a forage crop. Now planted along roads for erosion control. It is very aggressive and takes over disturbed soils quickly. It is a nectar source for European Skipper and Sulpher butterflies. Thanks to Char, Karey and Anne for solving the mystery of the yellow flowers
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