Who likes Pumpkins?
Posted: Oct 12, 2008
Resort Life
Jim and Nancy made it up for a visit this fall. They love the area and spent a great week driving around on all the back roads looking at the wildlife and colors. Nancy loves deer and had always heard my stories about the ___ deer coming in and eating out pumpkins by the house that we had carved. Nancy asked Jim the first day they were here to go out and get some pumpkins, carve them and leave them close to the cabin to lure the deer in closer. Jim as any good husband would do did as she asked, even carved the pumpkins and moved them around from the back of the cabin to the firepit area in front of Kaubashine. They looked and looked and no deer.
[caption id="attachment_243" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Jim's carved Pumpkins"]
The morning they were leaving, Nancy had Jim move the pumpkins to the edge of the woods by the playground just 100 feet or so from where they had been sitting all week. Nancy and Jim were gone less than an hour and we were cleaning their cabin and looked over to see the following pic
Troy yelled for me to get my camera and I prayed they would stay long enough for me to get the picture to share with Jim and Nancy after all the work they went to
One deer was fun to see and then.....
Momma and babies would like to thank Nancy and Jim for their great treat and promise to stop in next time Nancy and Jim are in the Northwoods as long as they keep their dog Witch Hazel inside

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