What a show!

Posted: Jun 12, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
I sent my intrepid vacation photographers, Wendy and Chris out on the pontoon boat with their camera. Little did I know the pictures they would capture. They came knocking on my door one hour later saying, you are not going to believe what we saw. All of the pics in this entry were taken with in one hour on the pontoon. Chris setting off in his best rendintion of Titanic minus iceburgs and sinking boats The show started right away with 2 eagles swooping in tandem over their heads. Wendy snapped pics as Chris tried to keep the boat from rocking too much With tips touching this would have been an awesome pic if the boat was not rocking so much Again not perfect sharpness, but I think you can get an idea of the areial show Chris and Wendy were treated to. Wow is all I could say when I saw the pictures. Awesome Wendy!! Wendy and Chris also ran into Momma Duck. Momma Duck from yesterday has been stalked by the National Enquirer in the mystery of the paturnity of her babies. The eagles had nothing nice to add to the story. Momma duck has signed her babies up for therapy The show was not over, the loons also showed up for their moment on the blog. Wendy's was in 7th heaven with her camera with cooperation like this from the local birds Loons hiding in the back bay among the reeds were they are nesting One final show the loons were not to be out done by the eagles and put on a show of flapping and calling Our intrepid blog photographer Wendy. Thanks, Wendy for sharing your awesome pics. I am still trying to figure out how you got the cooperation of the Herons, ducks, eagles and loons... Chris said the only thing that could have appeared that would have been awesome would have been a bear coming down for a drink. Thanks again to Chris and Wendy
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