Walk About the Resort

Posted: Aug 27, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3393 Yes another day of dog pictures. Been a little time consuming this week with getting Mac used to the resort so yes one more day of Mac around the resort pics. The group this week has been great helping us through the transition from Poe to Mac. They experienced the whole week with us loosing Poe and welcoming Mac. Some of the kids at the resort don't remember coming without Poe. They wanted to share their steak bones with him on their first night that I had to turn down because he was having a hard time eating. Now they are happy to have Mac come by for a visit. These kids watched him the 2nd day when we had to leave and were unsure how he would be in the house or his crate. Everyone has been great and understanding IMG_3392 Mac's first test with other dogs was helped by the Hollenbeck family with their dogs Lily the Poodle and Moose the 3 and half legged big dog in a small dogs body. Moose and Lily were great to let Mac check them out and test his social skills with other dogs. The Hollenbecks also sent along a batch of chocolate chip cookies on the day we lost Poe. Nothing like chocolate to make a horrible day better for our kids IMG_3395 Heading down to the lake to see what is going on. After having a dog that needs a break half way up it was hard to keep up with Mac who leaps 3 steps at time going up the stairs IMG_3394 The Hollenbeck family coming into shore after a early evening kayak trip across the lake IMG_3396 Hmm anything in the lake that smells worse than I do that I can roll in? IMG_3397 Time to head back to laying by the porch. Thanks to everyone at the resort this week who has shared this hard but also rewarding week with us.
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