Victims of the Cold

Posted: Feb 10, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_0029 Uhhh Ohhh Troy walking down the driveway with a tool and a flashlight... never a good thing... IMG_0030 Victim of the cold this morning at -20 actual temp was Restawhile's water lines. Went to clean the cabin today and no water.... luckily it was not rented yet this weekend so panic did not set in too much. We also lost hot water in our kitchen sink in the house which always happens when it goes sub zero. After toting water to do the breakfast dishes from the bathroom, Troy got a heater pointed at our pipes and got hot water moving again. Sure makes you appreciate hot running water when you loose it. Restawhile thankfully warmed up with the afternoon sun and water came back on, on its own. Can't wait to see some 30's this weekend! The other victim of the cold was Steve's car. His ancient blue Jetta with 300+ thousand miles does not start below -5. He gave his old car til 10am to start at which time he threatened old blue with a few words and that he would take his wife's car instead. Old Blue responded to the threat and the exact warmed up temp of - 5 and started right up. IMG_0027 Can you feel the cold through the camera lens? Speaking of camera lens's... Some may remember my favorite prized Cannon Rebel went in for cleaning a couple of weeks ago.. It came back through UPS last week.. I ran to open the box excited to have my camera back and.... took it out of the box looking all spanky clean to find my LCD screen smashed... my heart stopped and a quick call to Best Buy where I bought it. Found out I had to once again drive to Wausau to drop it off for them to fix and it would be returned by UPS to me. Well dropped it off yesterday hopefully it comes back in one piece working good. In the meantime I have given up on Katie's Nikon the auto focus is not working and I am back to my point and shoot Cannon. Anxiously waiting to see the UPS truck back in the driveway with my fixed camera. So if the pictures look a little grainy or a little off you know the rest of the story
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