This is Spring?

Posted: Apr 17, 2018
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_5332 It has been a long few days. We received a foot and a half of snow on top of the foot or so we already had on the ground. The birds were staying near the feeder. We have migratory birds coming in right now and I think they are ready to head back south IMG_5334 IMG_5328 In between digging out for 2 days we worked on our new horse racing game. Troy had 44 horses cut out to complete 4 games. We got them painted up over the weekend. They just need a coat of varnish yet. IMG_5342 Here he is completing the game board. He was drilling holes for the horses to move along the track IMG_5322 The guys also got some cabin work done. They put new counters in Shamrock IMG_5323 Someone forgot the sink hole again... While they did this I have gotten almost all the cabins spring cleaned and blankets washed ready for May visitors. Many resorts in our area are not year round and do not have the ability to turn on water until the frost is out of the ground. There are going to be a lot of resorts struggling to get open by even mid May. We are lucky not to have to worry about that. Getting the resort cleaned up from leaves, docks and boats in, and painting done is going to be our nightmare. Our lake is far from going out and the rakes and paint brushes are collecting dust at the moment IMG_5340 More importantly Mack is wondering where in the world is he going to poop. He was not thrilled with the new snow IMG_5341 We did get it all cleaned up but it sure was a lot of snow for April. I read that we received more snow in April so far than in December, January and February combined IMG_5345 (1) View off the hill this morning. The lake is going nowhere. 50's though are seen this week and through the end of the month. We have not even finished maple syrup season. Our trees have run here and there but the big flow has not happened yet. When the sap flows this time it is going to be fast and furious and then done IMG_5346 (1) The last pile of wood for the house for winter. Come on Spring! So never fear those with May reservations we will be open. We may be running around when you are here getting things going that are usually done in April so hang in there with us this spring and grab a paint brush if you are bored
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