The Sign Goes Back Up

Posted: Jul 01, 2016
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_4941 Those of you that follow blog or have been to the resort know we had to redo our front entrance sign. My brother inlaw Bryon created our totem pole gate 20 years ago and it needed a little TLC before it came down on someone or something. We took it down in the spring and Steve rebuilt the triangle and Bryon repainted the middle part. Now it was time to put it back up where it cam from IMG_4942 As with any resort project lots of volunteer hands were needed. The sign needed to be moved out by the road and it weighed alot IMG_4943 Much discussion going on about how to do this and much whining about bad backs and sore muscles IMG_4944 Craig and Tom agreeing or disagreeing on either how the sign was to be moved or Hillary vs Trump.... I was not asking any questions IMG_4945 Heave ho! and away we go IMG_4946 Making the corner and lots of groaning going on IMG_4947 Question is how did Steve managed to be the one carrying boards while everyone else was carrying the sign IMG_4948 IMG_4949 In place IMG_4950 The peanut gallery shouting advice as phase one of the sign is complete. Now to call in the professionals to get it off the ground IMG_4951 There were a lot of ideas how to do this but in the end it was decided to call in the professionals instead of having something go badly wrong. Best money we have ever spent IMG_4952 There is a reason they are professional and have the equipment to pull this off without a hitch. They have put up bigger signs but they informed us this was the biggest homemade sign they had ever done IMG_4953 Off the ground and so far so good IMG_4954 Lots of directions being shouted out IMG_4955 Up, up up it goes IMG_4957 Dodging trees as it goes into position IMG_4958 Just like a puppeteer getting it in just the right spot IMG_4959 Steve getting in there to get it nailed into place IMG_4960 Craig had to get in on the action as well IMG_4961 All went well and the sign is in place and everyone still has all their fingers and toes IMG_4938 It is a good day at the lake!
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