The Magic of Summer

Posted: May 30, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
The magic of summer Up Nort has arrived with Memorial Day Weekend. Kids, fun, families and Cliff. Cliff was giving away 2 5 dollar coupons to Harold Oberman's kids Savannah and Harrison. Harold won a round of golf in one of our contests but was unable to use it this weekend so instead rootbeer floats with his kids at Hilltop is what the magic of summer is all about Enjoy those rootbeer floats! Another magical moment of summer is spending time with your cousin for girl time you will never forget. Can you see the bond that has grown between Samantha and Kiya, the quality time they have spent at Black's Cliff twice a year will be something they will never forget. They have spent every Memorial and Labor Day weekend here just being friends Nothing like a yard game of soccer to bring a family together, and make the adults remember some muscles they have not felt in awhile Horst was making them work for every goal The peanut gallery watching the action from the press box in the tree house No easy goals with Horst in the box Harrison watch this move from Uncle Horst To be continued Labor Day Weekend. Up Nort supplies the opportunity for magic and you just need to figure out how to tap into it with out any electronics or distractions to find this for anyone that comes
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