The Hodag Arrives

Posted: Nov 19, 2015
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3027 Light snow on the bird house today. The weather has definitely changed. Just in time for deer hunting the temps are dipping. IMG_3028 Kaubashine and Shamrock with snow on the roof this morning IMG_3016 In other news, Red Pine continues to get worked on. The guys are putting the finishing touches on the stairwell. This used to be a root covered path that was hard to negotiate. Not anymore! IMG_3017 Here is the lower part completed with a hand rail IMG_3018 Steve had a little help making these from some great guys who came up and helped but they shall remain nameless and secret. Know you were appreciated, secret stairway elves IMG_3019 The last of the boards going in connecting the deck to the walkway. In the future brick patio will connect the wood stairway to the porch. Maybe in the spring depending on time IMG_3006 I have to show my latest acquisition. I got a call from a local antique store that they had an old sock machine come in. I ran off to town not expecting to buy it, but the rest is history and home it came for a great price. The stand is from an Auto Knitter a different machine than my old 1924 Gearhart I have been working with the last few years. I thought the whole machine was an Auto Knitter but was corrected by experts, it turns out the machine is a 1904 or 06 Gearhart. An even older machine than the one I have been working with. It needs a bunch of work to make it hum again. Lots of cleaning, oiling, painting and a trip through the mail for part of the machine to visit the Gearhart guru of North America to get a spring repaired. I hope to have this machine working again by summer. This brings my sock machine collection to 3 machines, 1906 Gearhart, 1924 Gearhart and a 2015 Gearhart/Erlbacher Speedster. When I have all three machines together I will take a picture to see the differences. The 1924 machine is still visiting the Gearhart doctor in North Carolina getting its cams and spring repaired. I heard the new cams were just put on and the new springs are in, it will be returning soon. When it gets back I will be sending the 1906 off for hopefully just a new spring. IMG_3021 In the meantime, it is time for an oil bath for the old machine. It was taken out of an attic in Rhinelander at an estate sale I think I am going to name it "The Hodag" the symbol of Rhinelander IMG_3020 Now another project of getting the old treadle going to power the sock machines. One of the possible parts that will be powering the gear system. This is an egg beater drill. This one was Maynards drill, painted orange of course. Stay tuned to see if this idea works...... Meanwhile Craig is reading this in Arizona saying "Hey that is my drill, what are you doing with my drill?" Stay tuned.... What would Maynard say to his drill powering a sock machine?
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