Take A Trip Back
Posted: Feb 16, 2024
I found a few interesting things on Ebay over the years plus our own archives of old pics. I thought I would share a few

The main entrance with the old gate. Love the old car. I believe that is my grandparents dog Skipper. There have always been resort dogs at the resort
The gate and its location changed in the late 1990's. The old sign you see hangs on the perch today going up the beach steps. This sign location is 50 feet further in the resort than it is today. In the late 90's the town straightened the road and moved it giving us an extra 50 feet and our gate moved to its present location. It was carved and created by Katie's husband Bryon who maintains it to this day

This is the standing by Bayview looking towards Wigwam and Birchwood. Muskie did not make the pic. Driveway is not much different Trees in the pic still stand today

This is a rarely seen pic postcard of the playground. Horse swinging still standing. Our tree house did not get built until the late 70's

I found this gem on eBay a couple of weeks ago. It dates back to the Keith'. It is a newly built Restawhile. I miss those old french windows but not cleaning them
Not sure what year but somewhere from mid 20's to 1945 when Keith's owned the resort. Restawhile is the last cabin they built. Holiday and Norway were built by my grandfather Maynard when he bought the resort

The old Holiday with its tiny porch. Missing from pic is the outhouse behind the cabin shared with Norway. Holiday had a single sized swinging bed. I think that white door is still out in our storage shed

The original Norway

Back in the day, Norway was a deluxe cabin, cutting edge. The old windows in the picture are not the windows into my gift shop
The small end table by the window and chair and the dining room table and benches are in the cabin to this day.

I might get corrected on this but I am pretty sure this is also a pic of Restawhile based on the steps going in the porch but it might also be Wildflower

Wigwam. The cabin retains a lot of its original look today

This is a pic I found on Ebay going back to the Keith's. It shows how little trees we had back in the day. They had all been logged off by the Yawkey company

I do love this old doc pic. The beach and wall did not come in until the 50's

Guessing this is somewhere in the 50's before the dock changed to a L Notice the old beach chairs. Those chairs can still be found hanging around with way to many coats of paint on them

Moving forward to I think the mid 70's.
Hope you enjoyed a trip back in time. Things change but also remain the same
Currently we have openings up to June 8th and starting August 10th. Check out our website or call for details on what is open. Need a trip before summer? I have a special going on for Shamrock through much of spring at Birchwood's rate for groups up to 4 (if asked nicely I will extend it to 5 people but blog readers)
Please contact us for specific information based on when you wish to vacation at Black's Cliff Resort.