Summers Ending

Posted: Aug 27, 2018
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_6465 As sunsets get earlier summer is coming to an end. IMG_6463 The fawns in the woods are loosing their spots. I caught these five deer along the road. Three fawns and 2 does IMG_6462 IMG_6460 Steve and his friend Darby got to work fixing the fire damage we had to Kaubashine a couple of weeks ago. We were finally given the Ok from the insurance company to get started on repairs IMG_6461 Ta Da all fixed Reminder to be careful with fires around the resort. This was started by a grill one the wood porch IMG_6440 An even bigger sign of end of summer is the trailer and car loaded to take Grant to his Freshman and Ben to his Junior year at Saint Norbert in De Perl. Everything fit and off they went after a summer of hard work at jobs both at the resort and in town IMG_6447 Good luck Grant! IMG_6458 We stopped to see Jake and Michelle at their new apartment in Kaukana and meet their new additions to their family two cats with lots of personality. They start their first year of teaching in a week. We hope to see them returning a lot to the resort on weekends when they can. They will be visiting a lot with Ben and Grant just 15 minutes away from them Our availability opens up at the resort Monday Sept 3rd. Give a call with dates to see what is open. Cabins are filling fast for fall and we are starting to get winter calls as well
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