Spring Update

Posted: Mar 20, 2018
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_5130 Mack would like to report that there is still a lot of ice on the lake. Enough that even a chicken like him feels comfortable to go out on the lake IMG_5121 IMG_5119 The maple trees are waking up though so that is a good sign of spring. They have been flowing slowly so far IMG_5132 Filtering the maple sap the filter gets frozen up this early in the spring and has to wait for a thaw IMG_5128 (1) We have been working away on the sock machine to hook this peddle up to it. Stay tuned I hope this weekend to have the sock machine peddling instead of hand powered IMG_5115 (1) We will continue to melt snow IMG_5116 (1) and time to work on the wood pile when the snow melts
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