Special Friends

Posted: Jul 08, 2019
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_9780 Mack loves anyone with bacon to offer him but he has a special place in his heart for a few people who I swear each year he recognizes even though they have not been to the resort in a year. Kelsey is one of those. They formed a special bond the year we got him and each year all he has to do is hear her voice when she arrives and he sprints for Kaubashine and his Kelsey girl IMG_9751 What does Kelsey love more movies or Mack.... I know what he loves more IMG_9759 We had a special night out on the lake for the annual fireworks show provided by our neighbors across the lake. Everyone piled on to our 4 pontoons and off we went for a fireworks cruise IMG_9756 Pulling boats together as a flotilla IMG_9758 Little Peyton did not stay awake for it all in Grannie Linda's lap IMG_9754 Across the lake they set up an island to shoot everything off of and it works great. The lake fills with neighbors from all over the lake and we enjoy the show Thank you to the Cole Family from all of us at the Cliff for the great show every year it has become a tradition to watch IMG_9762 Boom! Happy 4th IMG_9768 Back at the resort we had a catastrophe. Big wake boats on the the lake over the weekend caused huge waves to come into shore. Our little 1956 ski boat somehow got overcome by the waves and went down. Some ask why I don't allow big ski boats and this is the reason. The waves into our shoreline cause so many problems. This is just a visible result. Our shoreline has taken a beating as well the last few years that we do our best to repair. My heart broke finding this at the dock. We had no idea how to raise it with the motor on the back IMG_9769 Thankfully neighbors responded to the call and with the help of many they lifted the back of the boat while a bunch of us bailed as fast as we could. IMG_9779 We pulled the boat out and it is headed for a motor check at Ryden's Marine before we try starting it to make sure no damage was done to the motor We are now in the market for a small boat lift to keep this from ever happening again to the red boat Hopefully it is back at the lake this week. Grant has been learning to drive it and is ready to swing his cousins and brothers around the lake IMG_9764 Troy has been busy making trees to sell in the office. These were his first and more to come. They will be 3 for 20 dollars IMG_9778 We had the 2nd Smash Brothers Tournament on Sunday at the office with Ben and Grant. ]IMG_9766 As one week comes to an end another starts at the playground with vacation friends meeting up and starting up friendships that they pick right up from where they ended last July . Ready set time for a week of fun!
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