Slowly Waking Up

Posted: Mar 31, 2014
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_4180 The Northwoods is slowly waking up to spring. The snow is still deep in the woods, but not as deep as it was. Hopefully with warmer temps today and later in the week we start to see some brown ground. Of course tomorrow we have temps below freezing and possibilities of snow a few times this week IMG_4178 The maple trees have been very slow to wake up and start dripping. Even with temps in the 40's Sat and Sunday they barely ran. The theory is the snow cover is too thick yet and it is keeping the ground temp to cold for the sap to run. Hopefully they get going today IMG_4176 At one point this winter the bird bath was completely covered in snow. This shows how much melting we have had IMG_4177 This pic is for Ted showing the bear in the front yard coming out of hibernation. I am still not venturing out through the wet snow to get a closer pic. I did get Ted a present for his porch this weekend. He will have to wait to see.... Paper reading will be very relaxing on the porch this summer IMG_4181 Picnics are still a long way off IMG_4182 Sitting in the cedar swing is also just a dream at the moment IMG_4183 Steps to the beach are ice covered and hard to negotiate. Summer still seems a distant dream IMG_4184 Cliff hanging on the ice. Atleast there has been some melting and he is not knee deep in snow any longer IMG_4185 In the meantime the selection of fingerless gloves, grows and grows
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