Sleepy Morning
Posted: May 27, 2012
Resort Life
While I hear reports of how bad the traffic is on the Highways this weekend or how crazy Walmart parking lot is. We have camped out at the resort with no reason to go to town all weekend. Peace and quiet! We had a couple of rounds of thunderstorms last night and I think everyone was sleeping in after shooting out of bed a few times with the cracks of thunder
We had thunderstorms last night and the sun was just thinking of peaking through the clouds this morning
The trail to the beach quiet and peaceful this morning. Fishermen just heading out on the lake
Ready to head out on the lake
The raft in the correct spot floating and all is right in the world
Time to grab a coffee and head back to the computer to get a blog entry together before the resort wakes up and realizes what a nice day it is outside

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