Siren of the Swamp

Posted: Oct 21, 2014
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_5549 You will have to wait for the end of the blog entry to find out about the siren in the swamp. The guys have been busy taking out extra boats and getting them cleaned up IMG_5548 Troy spraying worm dirt out of the bottom of the boats IMG_5547 IMG_5546 Cleaned up and ready to be piled away for winter IMG_5545 Boat yard aka volleyball court IMG_5544 Beach chairs headed to winter storage as well. IMG_5564 Steve and Troy taking up the heavy old dock pallets from the blue dock. We are replacing them with new pallets in the spring IMG_5550 Steve already at work creating the new pallets IMG_5562 Now what else has Steve been up to....... For some reason this statue had no home.... I think it is a reject from Craig and Lynnette's garden. She needed a new home and who better to find her one than Steve. Anyone remember the head Steve left in the woods for people to find.... well you now have the Siren of the Swamp who is somewhere out on the blue trail. She may get a sign next spring to make her easier to find IMG_5563 Her location. For some reason this reminds me of the siren that protected the holy grail. This is the sort of thing that happens when Steve gets bored and a long winter is ahead.... and Craig asks to get a half naked statue out of his garden
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