Salute to Mr Tungett, A Good Life

Posted: Oct 09, 2015
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2320 Too many sad phone calls have come to me in the last month. Once again we say goodbye to a good one. Mr Tungett passed away this morning after a long battle. Mr Tungett and his wife Marilyn started coming to the resort back in 1963 with their kids Dave, Linda, Eleanor and Mike. Over the years they developed a family tradition at the resort with other friends that became their resort family for 2 weeks every summer. Marilyn sadly passed away years ago and one son Dave and grand daughter were tragically taken too early as well. But the tradition carried on and so did Mr Tungett with his 2nd wife Carol and the rest of the family and friends. Mr Tungett started our annual horse shoe tournament. It took a lot to convince everyone to leave the beach and play horseshoes for an afternoon but Mr Tungett was insistent. It was one of his favorite days of the year when he gathered as many folks as he could to join in. You could not tell him that you did not know how to play, that did not fly with Mr Tungett, you learned IMG_1534 Here he is with his wife Carol drawing names for who would play with who IMG_9556 The tournament was organized and run with precision. You showed up on time and ready to play with a drink in hand DSC00041 Mr T trained an army of referee's in the fine art of horse shoe rules that is followed to this day DSC00042 Measured to precision DSC00065 Winners celebrated and given congratulations. IMG_2305 He will be missed by the many family and friends that he leaves behind. But the tradition will carry on IMG_4785 Tom Hixson was tapped by Mr Tungett a few years ago to carry on when Mr Tungett could not make it to the resort. Tom Hixson has carried on the tradition IMG_1723 Others have picked up the slack keeping the pits in tip top shape and clean just as Mr Tungett would expect IMG_1745 The rules being passed down from one generation to the next IMG_1744 Keeping the peace as wife plays against husband. IMG_1712 We carry on as Mr Tungett would want with the tournament in his name IMG_9622 And we show up at the table to eat afterwards with our meat cooked and a dish to pass by 5 pm sharp DSC00083 Just as Mr Tungett led us to do every year. The tradition will continue IMG_2239 Some will be a little sadder in cooking in the rain without him..... IMG_4708 Or catching crappies without him..... IMG_9547 But on the 4th of July the flags will be waving, the horse shoes will be tinging and the family and friends will be gathering. Miss you Mr Tungett! Summer 2006 097
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