
Posted: Jun 11, 2015
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_1466 The flowers along the roadside have been amazing lately. Daisies are the main show right now IMG_1468 Indian Paint brushes are just getting in bloom IMG_1470 I do not remember the name of these yellow ones. They are always with the Indian Paint Brushes IMG_1471 Honeysuckles are also in full bloom. If you bit off the very tops of the crowns you will see how they got their name IMG_1473 Wintergreen is also in full bloom with their berries. The leaves and berries are edible. I munched on these berries before getting on my bike back to the resort. The leaves make a great wintergreen tea and we had guests this week making tea from it IMG_1477 Here is my wintergreen tea lover Comella with her nephew. They were having quite the pinball tournament on a rainy day. The top score was 29,990, ten points shy of a free ball IMG_1476 In the rain Troy and Jake were getting some new boards to replace old ones on some of the picnic tables. After getting through finals week at college, Jake was happy to do anything but study. Picnic table maintenance was just what a blurry eyed college student needed
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