Red Pine

Posted: Feb 23, 2016
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3985 Those of you who have stayed in Red Pine over the years have seen all the changes we have done to the place slowly bringing it out of the 70's and we are one step closer today to that goal. Red Pine was built and the early 70's by friends of Maynard and Millie, Ard and Ann Price. They bought the lake lot from Millie and Maynard and built their dream home and moved up to the lake. As anyone in the 70's they liked olive green, yellow, dark paneling and orange shag carpet. Slowly we have done away with most of the 70's updating the house. I think they would approve of the improvements Resort 1969 Dutch and Ard Price Ard Price is on the right in the yellow sweater with dutch. He was a nice man and a good friend of Maynard and served in the war Resort 1969 Ann Price I always knew Ann as a quiet lady and when I found this picture of her hooping it up at a resort party it made me laugh Ard passed away in the late 80's and Ann passed in the mid 90's. We bought Red Pine back from Ann and Ard's family when Ann died and started the renovations that continue through today IMG_3996 Years ago when we bought the house with dark 70's paneling we quickly covered the dark up with paint. We always intended on returning and putting in knotty pine paneling like the cabins. Slowly we have and now it is the livingroom's turn to get updated with new walls and window IMG_3986 One old window out and making it just a little bigger for the new window coming in Craig went window shopping before he left for Arizona in the fall IMG_3988 The guys had already installed a new dinning room window and new walls last fall IMG_3987 We can make the window fit! Craig finds deals on windows and then it is time to make them fit. Paying extra to buy a window that actually exactly fits the frame would be silly and a waste of money. It is always about the deal! IMG_3991 4th attempt to fit the window in place. IMG_3993 Yep I think it will work.... IMG_3994 One side in IMG_3990 Now figuring out how to close in the holes around the window IMG_3995 Looks good and will look even better with knotty pine paneling around it I will not miss cleaning the old windows. They had to be taken out using a lot of muscle cleaned and put back in. Now a nice squiggy window cleaner will do the trick. No removing windows. I promise anyone staying in Red Pine will notice their windows cleaned more often with this easy to clean window IMG_3997 Firepit at Red Pine looking a little lonely til atleast early May when we open it back up for use The rest of the resort will be open through March and April starting at 125/night. Come on up and watch the lake melt with us. Maple tree tapping is right around the corner as soon as temps warm just a little more
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