Ready For Some Summer

Posted: Jun 09, 2020
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2696 Summer is here the red boat is in the water! IMG_2694 Jake playing around with the steering but we got it going. Ready for its 64th summer skimming across Lower Kaubashine IMG_2725 Its fawn season. This baby looked minutes old getting across the road IMG_2726 Not very steady yet on its legs IMG_2728 Safely across with mom IMG_2683 Lake front is mostly ready IMG_2692 Our water tramp meet a sad fate at the hands of a nesting squirrel. I ordered a new one that is coming this week. Not sure how a water tramp fits in with COVID19. Hoping lots of water keeps virus off of it. Not much we can do to sanitize it or the raft. Lesson here is wash your hands and use our hand sanitizer at the beach! IMG_2695 We had a fun delivery at the resort from Amazon. Mack was trying to figure it out. It was Ben and Grant's idea. Talking about how a drive in theatre would do well this summer but there is not one in the Northwoods. Well lets make one! They along with Bryon helped me come up with some awesome selections for movies at the playground IMG_2699 Troy and Bella trying to figure out the directions and waiting for Ben our master of movie ceremonies to come to the table IMG_2700 Video screen set up IMG_2702 John Candy's The Great Outdoors was our first movie of the summer. It was good but we were missing the audio equipment that is coming this week. The speaker on the projector was just not cutting it for the real movie experience. We can't wait for Indiana J0nes or Pirates of the Caribbean this summer on the playground. Get your movie selections figured out we plan on playing them at the playground with social distancing and bring your own popcorn and comfy chair or blanket. IMG_2715 Aunt Debbie and I had a delightful outside dinner at Anthony's Restaurante in Woodruff. They have great outside seating and sanitize everything and paper menus. Something I have not found at all restaurants in the area. I had the chicken alfredo my favorite, Debbie had the seafood alfredo and Troy had his favorite Walleye Picatta topped off with a moscow mule Check out Anthony's for a great summer dinner! I have a short list of places I recommend in the area that are doing good practices for cleaning and outside seating or carry out. Don't ask me about indoor seating as our family will not be doing any indoor restaurants this summer. We will be hunting out all the outdoor and great take outs. We will also list off great hidden spots to take your food and enjoy outside at picnic tables. We have a few secret spots We can have a fun summer even with COVID19 just needs some smart changes and creativity to find fun new ways of enjoying the Northwoods without spreading any cooties
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