Raft Goes In
Posted: May 19, 2010
Resort Life
Time to head the raft out to its spot in the lake so we have room to put the white dock in. Towing the raft to its spot can be a comedy of errors that we have all participated in (including an infamous launching by Paul)
Hmm notice one wadder on and one off... who got the leaky ones this time?
Heading out into position. Keep Going!
Hope this is the right spot because that anchor weighs a &%^& ton and I am not pulling it up?
You don't like the spot, put down the camera and pull the anchor up yourself and move it. I did it better than Paul!
After all the painting of the blue dock parts and moving them around, apparently I screwed up their order and there was much discussion about which part went where
The great architect getting it all back together
In other news, Bayview is just about completely roofed and should be done by the weekend. All he has left is the porch. I am sure Murry and Tom won't notice a few drips on the porch this summer
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