Raft Dwellers
Posted: Jan 13, 2024
We received some nice snow in the last 24 hours. Somewhere between 4 to 6 inches. What is on the table shows the depth of the snow in the area currently. Somewhere in the 6 - 8 inch range. That is enough to get the ski trails going and give a reason to use our snowshoes in the woods. Its time to start playing in the snow

Troy headed to the lake to blow off our rink this morning

We noticed close to the shoreline slushy snow. Its been cold the lake is safe why would we get slush by the shoreline you ask?

Muskrat holes. We have a family of muskrats that has decided living under our docks, boats and raft for the winter is a great place to be. They keep open breathing holes like the one you see above. This causes a layer of water in the area

Somewhere under the raft is a very happy family of muskrats

Back to clearing off the rink a little farther out from the muskrat water, slush

Oogie on muskrat patrol

Lets play some hockey!

Need some time at the cabin in the snow give a call we will leave the lights on
Current Summer 2024 openings
Openings up to June 8 check website for dates and prices
Red Pine July 5 - 12 4bdr
Bear Dn August 9 10 16 4bdr
Wigwam August 17 - 24th 3bdr
Bear Den and Red Pine August 16 - 23rd 4 bdrs
Openings starting August 24th check our website
Please contact us for specific information based on when you wish to vacation at Black's Cliff Resort.