Post Memorial Day Quiet and Work

Posted: May 31, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
There is a doe and fawn at the end of the driveway in this picture. I only had my Iphone and no telephoto to capture them. The fawn looked very new watching us down King's Manor driveway. In other news, we have had a few days of only being 1/2 full before the weekend and that means the guys start eyeing things up for the last projects. Steve and Troy had the saws and shovels out at Bear Den New steps going in starting at the bottom. How far will the steps get.... we shall see but they are wonderful improvement over the old ones Not to be out done Craig, our retired roofer, eyed up one of the porches that he had not done yet over at Shamrock. We had had some reports of drips on the porch and that is all that is needed to get Craig out of retirement and up a ladder (that and a stocked fridge of goodies in Shamrock) Happy to report Shamrock porch should be dry this summer after some TLC from Craig Layers and Layers of old roofing ripped off.. what is the blue stuff you ask? He told me but I don't remember. Just be happy to stay dry this summer under all his new roofs
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