Pontooning.. what could possibly go wrong?

Posted: May 15, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
Time to put the first pontoon boat in. All cleaned up and loaded with beach chairs. When they asked me to help launch, I looked at them remembering how many times a flat tire, trailer popping of the ball, and motor with mouse nest in it has happened causing major delays and thought about my chicken boiling on the stove waiting to make chicken dumpling soup.. would I make it back in time to make soup for dinner... would there be any water left around the boiling chicken after whatever launching disaster occurs.. well there is always McDonalds and I would not have to debone a chicken, so off we went down the driveway at 4:40 pm Craig driving and no problems so far, heading into the big corner of the landing at Hilltop Back up... release.... engine starts... I look in amazement as Craig drives away at 4:50.. will I make it back to the chicken in time Yep, happy to say we were in dock by 5pm, dinner was made and kids picked up from track on time. This has to be a first that it went off without a hitch. Now 2 more pontoons to go, half of the blue dock and the white dock and it may just seem like summer is here
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