Poe's Winter Report
Posted: Dec 07, 2008
Resort Life
[caption id="attachment_614" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Poe's winter weather report.... IT IS COLD!"]
Poe would like to report the first sub zero temps last night.
[caption id="attachment_615" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Is the lake safe?"]
I probably could have done this test last week but it has been a little busy so Poe and I went down to see if his far back (way back) wild wolf genes senses say it is safe to go out on the lake
[caption id="attachment_616" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="According to Poe it is safe"]
[caption id="attachment_617" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Ok time to let me in!!"]
I humored you going down to the lake, even went running out on the cold lake OPEN THE DOOR! I am not a wolf dog I am a mushy golden and it feels like Siberia out here
[caption id="attachment_612" align="alignnone" width="375" caption="Poe favorite place in the winter"]
I leave Siberia to the nutty Huskies, I will take a cushy bed by the woodstove
In other news
[caption id="attachment_613" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Who is missing?"]
Doug and Vicki where are you. Could your trip to Jamaica really have been better than a weekend with Rob, Barb and Bob?
Poe would also like to put out a thank you to Rob, Barb and Bob for saving him from crossing his legs while the Gibson's were gone to the Swim Tournament. He had a slice of heaven sitting by the fire on a rug with the rawhide that Barb bought for him.

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