Pirates take over Minocqua

Posted: Oct 03, 2008
[caption id="attachment_161" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Pirates taking over Minocqua"]Pirates taking over Minocqua[/caption] The Podriza crew showing their true pirating colors this weekend at Beef A Rama. I put out a bounty for a picture of them and finally had a few Beef A Rama pics submitted from the Life Spring Coffee Clutch. I hear the cannons even fired. I would have loved to see the reaction of drivers in downtown Minocqua when teh cannon went off as they were driving past.
[caption id="attachment_160" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Pirates Enjoying the local drink"]Pirates Enjoying the local drink[/caption]
I am not sure if anyone enjoys Beef A Rama more than this crew. Each year they come up with a new theme for TJ"s Butcher Block and put on quite a show. Can't wait to see what next year brings.
[caption id="attachment_159" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Parade of Beef"]Parade of Beef[/caption] I missed a pic of the beef's being carried down main street, but did get this picture of a cross dressing dairy cow being escorted by a sausage. Only in Minocqua at Beef A Rama everyone has to experience it once. Troy's pet peeve about Beef A Rama is all the Dairy Cow costumes and the statues of Holestine Dairy Cow and Calf they have in down town. Beef Cows (primarily fully brown or fully black) and Holestine Cows (the black and white ones) are two very different beasts. Lets keep out cows straight in Wisconsin!
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