Only Allowed If You Are Over 80

Posted: Apr 17, 2016
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_4377 It was a beautiful weekend at the resort for campfires. I have to say that the above picture is only allowed if you are over 80 and our wood chairs are too hard for old muscles. The lady in the chair was sitting on the porch instead of joining her family by the fire due to her sore muscles. I thought this was the picture of over 80 bliss. However I do not want it become common place for everyone to do. So keep in mind the rules for bringing a recliner out by the fire. Anyone else seen doing this will be put on garbage duty around the resort. But it is sure fun if over 80 to see how much she enjoyed sitting out by the fire. IMG_4378 There were many others out enjoying the fire the usual way. The lake was calm and the loons were out IMG_4379 Best part of weekend was picking out non wool, acrylic ankle socks to enjoy the fire with. I have a nice selection of great non wool ankle socks like these to enjoy the cool warmer evenings. Check them out in the gift shop when you come up IMG_4373 Lots of painting started around the resort this weekend. Freshening up the wooden chairs was first on the list IMG_4366 Steve and Troy got started on taking down part of the gate for painting. The upper part of the gate has rotted over the past years and we are replacing it with new logs and repainting the inside of the triangle. Steve had fun renting the lift and going up for a ride to take down the sign IMG_4367 Troy on the ground keeping tension on the sign with a rope as Steve loosens it up IMG_4369 Slowly lowering it to the ground IMG_4371 Just as planned..... so far... IMG_4372 Hopefully back up in a couple of weeks with a fresh coat of paint
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