One Eyed Bandit

Posted: Jan 16, 2014
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3715 Happy to let everyone know the one eyed bandit in Arizona is doing well. Craig had retina surgery for a torn retina this week. I will leave out the gory details but will advise everyone that it is not a surgery you want to volunteer for. I am praying my retina stays intact. The doc says all looks well so far and he will find out how his vision is in the eye in a few days. Unfortunately this has grounded him in Arizona for the entire winter. He can not fly for 3 months or lift things. This has caused a stoppage in a couple of projects we had in the works, but never fear Steve and Troy will find other ones to keep them busy IMG_3712 Speaking of keeping busy.... Troy has almost made it through the big pile of wood by the woodshed. Temps have been warmer and it has been perfect splitting weather IMG_3718 That is a good thing as the wood pile next to the house has been taking a hit in the cold temps IMG_3717 IMG_3713 This ditty is about knitting but can apply to any hobby. I dedicate it to everyone else who comes home and stashes things in their closet before their spouse sees there is one more bag of yarn, or whatever stashed away because it was on sale.... or the last one.... or you just could not resist.
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