Oh.. what to take a picture of today...

Posted: Feb 11, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
Oh what to take a picture of today.. it is minus some ungodly temperature... when you go subzero does it really matter weather it is -5 or -20 it is just plain cold. Unless you are Steve's car with a barometer for starting at -5 for some reason. Hot water line in our kitchen is once again frozen up and Troy is toting water from the bathroom and I am sure Restawhile is frozen back up this morning...
It is cold but you have to find the beauty in the moment. Driving in the driveway after dropping the kids off at school and putting gas into the gas tank (it was blinking Empty, I had been trying to wait until it warmed up to put gas in but could wait no longer or I would have been walking along side the road this morning) I drove up to the sun peaking through the big pines by Birchwood. I snapped a few pics close up and zoomed in with my point and shoot as my fingers froze to the on shutter button
Mack and I headed down to the lake after my fingers unfroze from gas and taking pictures. The camera though had not unfrozen. The blurs in the picture are from condensation on the lens from going outside to in. Mack does not seem to be fazed by the cold I swear there is some Siberian Husky somewhere in his purebred pedigree it is not natural
Not normal rolling in the cold snow
Again can you feel the cold through the lens.. I was smart enough to grab gloves unlike earlier when I was putting gas into the car so my fingers were only slightly numb at this point
I am getting a refund from my breeder there is no way there is not some husky in him.
The shrinking woodpile by the house. By next week we will be toting it from Troy's secret stash of oak in the Boat Shed. Did I say "We"... scrap that "The Kids" will be toting wood from the shed over to the house
Oh to be a guinea pig today huddled in a warm cage with food. Junior happily looking for a carrot
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