Official Ice Out List Meet the Characters

Posted: Mar 25, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
I thought it would be fun this year to include pictures of the entries since I had pictures of just about everyone April 2nd we have 2 entires Sam Scully who was entered by his Grandma Char along with his sister and 2 cousins. Shown above showing off his great horseshoe skills at Hilltop. Grandma Char is watching from behind the bench hoping not to be hit by a random horseshoe Kip one of the many Cikowski family entries April 3rd Fritz again one of the many Cilowski family entires. Fritz has the notoriety of being a past winner of the Ice Out. He has been known to stop by Cliff on the ice and have a little chat and beer getting inside info from Cliff April 4th we have a single entry with 4 names sent in by Roberta Cikowski above along with all the female relatives in the Cikowski family better known as LEJ (Lindy, Emily and Jody) Good luck ladies hope you beat the guys but you may be a little early this year April 6th we have Linda Wrobel again one of our past winners getting a smooch from Cliff April 7th we have a duo entry of Jimmy Cikowski on the left in the red coat (his nephew Cody on the right but Cody has a different day but seems to make it in all the pictures with his uncle for some reason) April 7th Jimmy shares the day with his dad Al who for some reason I did not have a picture of with a fish..... Does Al go fishing.... or does he appreciate Roberta's home cooking... We need a fishing picture Al to prove it. If Jimmy and Al win I am betting they head to Hilltop for a pizza and a beer April 8th is Jimmy Ross's day who loves to compete with his brother Danny on the left. I do not remember who won this horse shoe match but I know the boys do and their Grandma Char was cheering for both from the back April 9th Tommy Cikowski I am not sure which I like more Tommy's Hawiian shirt or his "big fish" Insert the laughter of Jimmy, Fritz and Al at this point. Love ya Tommy and I will vouch for the fact that Tommy has caught Muskie's out of Lower Kaubashine April 10th we have two entries, the first one is Barb Moore pictured with her family. Barb is 2nd in from the left. If you ever need soup labels for your school give Barb a call she always has a bunch Barb is joined on April 10th with Linda Wrobel again who did 2 entries since John forgot this year. Where is John..... April 11th is Katie Scully's day pictured here with her famous horseshoe champion brother Sam. Again Grandma Char sent in her entry with her 3 other grandchildren April 12th is another of those crazy Moore's this time Bob on the far right.. April 13th is Rob Moore's day who is caught fishing here with his brother inlaw Doug. Hey where is Doug and Vicki's ice out guess..... April 14th is the day that wily Cody has picked from the Cikowski family. He is the latest entry of the family in April and who knows may win it and have to take his dad, uncles and grandfather to the bar for a round of drinks. Only in Wisconsin is this possible Jim Kotowicz shares April 15th with Dan Biwan (Craig's accountant who I am missing a picture of) Jim is a past winner receiving his prize. Amy Hebert (Tempel) with her Daughter Abigail share April 16th with Morgan Tidwell (again I am missing a picture of Morgan, if you want to send one in Morgan please do) Ruth Grady has April 17th. She won a 2nd place prize in the contest a couple of years ago. Who is that handsome guy next to her? April 18th is Danny Ross who would love the bragging rights to say he won the contest over his brother Jimmy Mike Grady has April 19th getting his prize a few years ago from a rather interesting looking Cliff. April 20th was a fun day to pick a picture of... ohhh how many interesting pictures do I have of Linda Hoadley.... This has to be one of my favorite But I could not resist also posting this one for her April 20th guess as well getting a big smooch from Cliff and sitting in his lap Nancy Kotowicz has April 22nd pictured with old Poe and her dog Hazel. Got you in the contest this year Nancy! Last year Nancy left her guess on Wigwam's table when she left and had the exact day picked out, unfortunately I shut Wigwam down, and never saw the note until May Our only non human entry this year is Carmella. She has April 23rd picked by her owners Mike and Ruth Grady. Good luck Carmella The final entry is May 2nd by Craig's accountant who picked 2 days. Dan Biwan the eternal optimist has picked May 2nd as the ice out day. If it lasts that long Dan, you can send me to the Psych ward As a final picture I had to include Grandma Char who sent in the 4 entires for her Grandkids Sam, Katie, Danny and Jimmy. If they win I hope they take Grandma out for icecream at Charlie's and Lucy too Whew I think I got everyone after paging through all my photo albums. This was quite an entry to organize
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