Office Expansion Underway

Posted: Nov 14, 2022
Categories:  Resort Life 

We have been talking for about 3 years of expanding the office into the old sauna. First we needed to build an area for our cleaning supplies which we did last fall. Next was the new sauna arriving and putting in our electric car chargers. We finished those projects in August

Now it was time to convert the sauna to being part of the office/Jenny's Sock Shop. First step was cutting out a new window. How to do that? Chainsaw!

Popping out the bay window

Finetuning the cut

Yep that went as planned

Here it is with its new window in. They also added a small window in the side of the old sauna

This is the old changing room of the sauna. This room will be filled with items from Steve's wife Jen. She does beautiful crafts and it will be fun to see what she fills this room with. She has been hard at work on needle felting

Many remember when Steve and Jen had an antique store in town. Jen, enjoys recreating old things into treasures. Lots of neat things will fill this room

The old sauna with a new floor and trim. The back wall will be filled with my old knitting machines on display. The rest of the room will be Amy's cabinet of soaps and lots of socks. Everything that has been in cabinets in the community room are headed into this room. That will allow more room in our open community room for tables with games and our foosball table to return

View from current office. Notice the two new door ways into the new rooms

I hope to have things in the rooms by this weekend

Other projects going on are at Shamrock. Steve and Chris rented a stump grinder and got to grinding. The new deck on Shamrock is taking shape. There will be some flattening of the grill and fire pit area bringing it to be more level with deck. There is a roof coming to this deck similar to Holiday and Muskie.

In the meantime it is back to the fun of a machine and grinding up a stump

Earlier in the week we had the semi annual tetherballl mother daughter tournament between Anita and Jessica. Always entertaining and gathers an audience. I will not say who won but we can see who put out the most effort

Oogie found out what the live trap gets used for. The red squirrels, when it gets cold make the mistake of seeing if our basement is their winter hide out. Troy objects and out comes the trap for relocation. Oogie was fascinated by this development

As the days stay cold and Thanksgiving and Deer Hunting approach we start to wonder if the ground is going to stay white. I know the water at the lake is getting the thicker and stiller look it gets before freezing

If you are interested in Thanksgiving we still have Norway and Red Pine open

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