Northwoods Characters
Posted: Mar 02, 2018
Resort Life
Steve and Penny have been skiing every morning while the snow is crisp. They have been burning up the trails and lakes. They are training for the skijoring race this Sunday at Winter Park where Penny will show off that terriers can do this as well as any husky
Along the say they meet up with some interesting characters half clothed on the trail. Doesn't everyone get a suntan in the middle of a ski trail half clothed
Want your own interesting Northwoods adventure to seek out the half clothed guy in the woods we have cabins open this weekend and spring rates are in effect
It is also tree tapping weather. Time to tap the trees for maple syrup
Troy and I trudged through he woods tapping 40 trees. We did not run into any half naked guys in the woods on the way
Troy is just finishing work on a project we have been working on. He is making a homemade family game that we will have for sale in the gift shop this summer
Start gathering your pennies it is a great family game for everyone to play. We will have a same game for everyone to try out at the shop. So don't forget your pile of pennies when you come.
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