Moving Along

Posted: May 10, 2020
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_2452 It was nice to see families enjoying some stress free time in the Northwoods this weekend. The Moisan clan was enjoying a fire and hot dogs around the fire. Missing from the pic is Mack who I will not let carouse the resort like he usually does. He was pouting by my side as I took the pic. He wanted to be front and center with the hot dogs Nice to see families enjoying time together 61073410363__FB911EB6-F4F4-4C8D-AE82-C91351A9B5D8 Grandma was thrilled to stop by the shop and buy some of Aunt Debbie's dish rags. Aunt Debbie has been busy making them to sell while she has been at her apartment staying in. They are 4 dollars each. For atleast the beginning of the summer I am going to ask any shoppers to wear a mask in my shop while shopping. My shop is so small and it will be just one group at a time in the shop. I am opening up the windows to the shop and I will be in the community room or outside close by to answer any questions. Bills for the cabins I will send a picture of the bill by text and do payments still be check or cash if people can or credit cards if needed. Changes but trying to operate normally but safely. We are always around just keeping the 6 foot rule and meeting people outside to take care of most things IMG_2416 On a happy note we celebrated Aunt Debbie's birthday out at Katie's horse barn IMG_2417 It was the first time Aunt Debbie had a birthday in a barn. Missing pic is when one of the horses was behind Aunt Debbie and blew through its nose making her laugh IMG_2443 Tom at Hilltop was busy working on his landing this weekend. He is installing these cement strips. I think it will work wonders on making the boat landing better! Kudos to Tom. He did tell me for now the bar will be closed 61074606922__6DDCF8E5-BF98-49A9-BD31-BFCC651745EF I tried out our new misters this weekend with our disinfectant and another one with hydrogen peroxide. I think they will work slick to mist the cabins 61074435889__9D4DAEAA-7306-43B5-842C-70A517B3C6B9 I also bought each cabin a bottle of bleach to use to sanitize things. These bottles will go on top of the fridges. I want to make sure to keep it out of reach of kids. We are also changing our blanket policy again. We will be pulling all of our blankets out of the cabins. We are putting down the clean sheets. We are asking folks to bring their own blankets and pillows. We will have ours at the office. We will put them out in cabins by request if needed to folks that can't bring any. They will then be taken out of the cabin after guests leave and returned to the office to go into a 7 day quarantine not to be used. This rotation I think will work well. I will be putting out an email a week before people arrive with updates and notes about blankets. Atleast for the beginning of the summer that is the plan IMG_2457 It was a cold Sunday morning. I am hearing record cold but as week goes on I see the 70's in the forecast IMG_2458 Life goes on. It was nice to see the first fishing boat tied up to our dock.
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