Moving a Mountain

Posted: Jul 10, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
Last week was Sauna moving day. There was much debate as to how to move the sauna. We are moving it over 20 feet in order to make room for our office building Ropes tied up, come a longs secured this should work... Poles under the building... who took physics class? Today is dedicated to the power of physics Ready to move and test the laws of physics. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction Starting the cranking Building creaking.. time to analyze the situation Cranking some more and snap... first come a long broken, 2nd bigger one called in Opps.... that equal and opposite reaction law is starting to come into play 2nd come along breaks and time to add a metal pole to the come along where the handle used to be. Sauna moved 1 inch at the cost of 2 come a longs Equal and opposite reaction.... rope breaks... someone go get the stronger rope this is going to work! Sauna moved 2 inches The laws of physics and all those hours spent in physics class are starting to come back.. time to use a fulcrum. Time to bounce the sauna along. Sauna moves 4 inches Grab the biggest kid and make a 2nd fulcrum = sauna slowly moving 6 inches Bounce, PULL, Bounce, PULL= 7 inches and a creaking sauna and cranky 17 year old This has got to work BOUNCE HARDER! How about using a jack from behind..... not there best idea but = 1 inch Time for a beer break and do some thinking Black's Cliff endorses Heineken for all jobs that require a little thinking and a lot of sweat. Thanks for Phil Z for leaving the guys a nice supple of Heineken for moments like these The power of Heineken meets the power of physics. Finally the correct combination of ropes, 2 broken come a longs being used to their last breathe, jacks with wheels leaking hydraulic fluid and.... The power of 3 teenagers bouncing= One Sauna moved. Mack is sitting at the old entrance to the sauna that will now be the entrance to the new Black's Cliff office and community room. The cost of this endeavor, 1 logging rope, 2 come a longs broken, 2 hydraulic jacks broken = 700 dollars retail (we all know they will be replaces for much less than retail) 4 Heineken Beers, and priceless moments of a family working together Coming tomorrow... taking down the tress around the sauna... what did they hit? I will leave you in suspense just know I am not happy
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