Monday Sunrise

Posted: Feb 08, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_0436 I headed to the lake for the sunrise with my new telephoto lens. I was spending so much time playing with the manual focus I did not notice the deer in the picture crossing the lake until I uploaded the pic to the computer. I would love to say I set this picture up but it was just by chance IMG_0435 I was beaten down to the lake by one of our 2 resident rabbits who apparently went down the steps this morning along with a light new snowfall My email problems are still not solved and driving me crazy. We have switched servers, it is not the computer as I have tried down loading to this on and the old computer. I have checked them on line and they are not on the website there either. I am about to change the email address if needed. Until I straighten this out use to contact us
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