Marriage Bonding

Posted: Jul 24, 2018
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_6225 While everyone was having fun at the beach IMG_6189 Jake and Michelle came home for a week and wanted a project to work on We always have a project to work on. 6 cedar chairs and 2 cedar swings needed to be assembled After year of marriage this is good project for any married couple to try together IMG_6195 At first they started out working on their separate chairs. Jake had a small advantage with having worked on these before IMG_6196 Michelle was not to be out done. IMG_6197 Ok maybe putting the seat on wrong might have gotten to her.. After this they found working together was much better IMG_6207 First stage done, 6 chairs assembled and we still like each other IMG_6198 Did you read the directions? IMG_6206 Directions who needs directions? IMG_6200 Ok did you find the direction diagram? IMG_6208 Getting there. Michelle's idea to use the wheel barrow as a table to assemble All going smoother IMG_6204 We did it! Now on to year two of our marriage adventure
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