Lot of Catching Up
Posted: Jun 20, 2023
This week I Summer has really hit. Most of our spring projects are either done or on the back burner for next spring. I have been slow updating the blog. Sorry for that. Between the late spring and my recovery from my treatments it has been a bit of a challenge. Shaking off winter, my cancer treatment recover, getting the resort ready along with having a busy May with the cabins had us scrambling a bit longer than normal. I can happily say the place feels ready for summer now
Quick update on how I am doing. May 1 was the end of my treatments. My first check up comes at the end of June as they keep any eye on me, especially for the next 2 years. So far so good. My energy has finally returned mostly back to normal. My right arm I will be protecting from Lymphodema the rest of my life and I have to be careful with it. You will notice me wearing an arm sleeve when working to control any swelling. My feet continue to recover from neuropathy from the chemo, I hope they get better. You might notice me still stumbling with words with a slight stutter at times. So all and all, yes I am done with my treatments, now it is assessing the collateral damage of what chemo and radiation has done. I have bumped into many breast cancer survivors the last few weeks and I am encouraged to hear their survivor stories. So long story short, I am doing ok, and cautiously optimistic I can hopefully put this chapter behind me. Tripe negative breast cancer however, you never loose the nagging fear in the back of your mind. As I type this I put out the call to everyone to do your preventive screenings, mammogram and colonoscopy. When caught early they are so treatable. A regular 3Dmammogram saved my life. I hope my story does some good and saves others by getting screened

On to happier things. Nothing like a cute guy looking in your door. Resist feeding Oogie no matter how cute he looks. He is carrying in the long resort dog tradition of tramping through the resort. Oogie as well likes to steal things off porches, picnic tables or from the beach. This week we have returned one kidspurple shoe twice, beach bucket, towel off the line (great game of tug o war), grill scraper, empty box of swedish fish, and several paper plates. If you are missing anything see Oogie

Oogie has never met a stranger who he does not want to greet with a woof or a sniff of a butt. He is a loving ball of fluff who steals anything that fits in his mouth with an innocent smile on his face

This is one of my favorite pictures from last week. We had 3 generations of the Urbaniak family here. They called themselves the Littles, Middles and Oldies
These are the middles out on the town at Hilltop enjoying a cousin night out. We caught them at the beginning of the night. I asked where the Littles and Oldies were.

The Oldies were watching the Littles while the Middles had fun. I asked for an Oldie pic too but did not catch them. The Middles were thankful for Ron, Sue, Claude and Leslie

Purl felt left our of my Oogie pic. Our nick name for her is Perfect Purl. We could not have asked for a more perfect resort dog. You can tell from the pic she wanders around and gives a shoulder to lean on as long as you give her a scratch. She is 4 and wiser, calmer, than our little thief. Purl is throughly enjoying her new life at the resort after spending 4 years in an Amish barn cage having puppies. She will wander around a little with Oogie but mostly found underneath my feet

We truly have the best cleaning crew in the Norhtwoods. We have all worked together for more years than we care to admit. This was our 3 mop finish at Norway last week.
It takes two crews of 4 in the cabins cleaning, Steve and Bella following behind making beds to turn over all the cabins in 4 hours. Outside this year we have Troy, Jake and Ben hauling garbage, filling up wood, raking, cleaning grills, organizing beach and boats. Then there is inevitably the fix it things that crop up in the cabins on Satudays from leaky sinks, curtains needing repairing or our favorite changing out fridges when they get iced up from humidity. We could not do what we do without this great crews

After cleaning our favorite time is sitting down and having lunch. Usually it is pizza on the deck, this week it was a treat heading to the food truck at the Hazelhurst Park where there was a craft fair. We were happy to kick back at little after 4 hours of work before anyone arrived and walk around the craft fair after lunch. Troy and I found a great addition to the bathroom at the office. You will need to stop in and spend some time with our acquisition. It is guaranteed to make you laugh and keep you busy while you are busy

I got to go yarn shopping in Stevens Point this week at the Herschners Warehouse sale Lots of great new sock yarns in the bags will keep me busy this summer

We had a fun visitor stop in, Terry Grim. Terry was a neighbor of my grandparents back in the 40's and spent many summers at the resort from 1946 and forward

Terry found himself in our history of the resort book, he is on the right side with the hat on. My Uncle Dave is in the middle of the pic. One of the Keiths is also int he pic but I am not sure which one on the left. I think Terry said another one was a Meyer. Terry had a nice time walking around the resort seeing how it had changed but also stayed the same.

He shared this pic of my grandpar3nts by Bayview I have not see before

I have some new stuff coming in for the gift shop. Here is the first arrival. I have yoga pants and a sweatshirt in 3 fun colors coming yet
Our first opening this summer is Red Pine August 19 - 25th and Bear Den is open the following week the 25th to to September 2nd. For openings starting Sept 1 check out our availability page
Please contact us for specific information based on when you wish to vacation at Black's Cliff Resort.