Liberty With A Little Help From Friends
Posted: May 02, 2023
I have not written much about my health journey on the blog but I would like everyone to know we had a celebration Monday as I finished my last radiation treatment. It has been a long 9 months of surgery, 20 weeks of chemo and 30 radiation treatments for breast cancer. May 1st was my liberty day! All done! Not to start living again. I stand a 85 percent chance of never seeing this return. Now is the beginning of the recovery journey. Nobody goes through all that and is the same person. There are a few more aches, scares, and a bit of chemo brain left over. It will take me awhile to fully recover but we started recovery with a jalapeño mango margarita. Thanks to all who have helped us the past 9 months and guests understanding and grace to give us space during this time

There was a lot of bell ringing around the resort

Back at the resort there has been a lot of work going on. Red Pine bathroom getting a little remodel
Kevin Carr came up to help our Steve. Kevin was happy to practice his carpentry skills

There was some comment about a bigger hammer being needed

Kevin got practice putting up ceiling tile in Muskie. All the snow we had some ice jams that did some damage. A new roof, some new insulation, ceiling tiles and a new tub arrived at Muskie

Steve did some fireplace repair. He says nobody will notice the white after a few fires and smoke

Shamrock with its new front entrance Its a great change

Out in the office we got to doing some painting. The anchors, oars, dock ladders and beach chairs have been slowly moving through the building

Bob, Tammy and Kelsy Robotka originally were going to come up and help us to rake Instead it turned into a painting morning in the office. Kelsey had fun and enjoyed meeting Purl. Kelsey was Mack's biggest fan and she loves Purl Purl is very laid back compared to Oogie who still has puppy in him. Purl got her first treats from Kelsey and I see a great relationship forming

Kelsey hard at work. She will have lots to talk about with everyone at the dock this summer

Here is Kelsey meeting Purl for the first time. Mack and Kelsey had a very special relationship. She could be gone for a year but the minute he heard her voice he would run to Kaubashine. When we lost Mack I immediately thought of Kelsey and how she would be. I need not worry. Purl is on the job! Oogie still has a lot of puppy in him and likes to give puppy kisses and Kelsey is not a fan of being licked. Purl is perfect for Kelsey and she immediately pulled out snacks I left to give Purl and Oogie. I love it when dogs find their roll in life and Purl has found hers

Kelsey's smile says it all. I love golden retrievers for the above pictures they are simply the best dogs. Purl has found the life she deserves after living in a barn for 4 years having puppies

While Tammy and Kelsey were painting, Bob and Troy filled up the kindling pile
The resort may never get raked but the painting is getting done and the kindling pile is full!
Next week Monday through Friday we think we will be getting to raking and blowing leaves. Docks are probably going in as well. Anyone who wants to work 9 - 2 and have a free cabins get ahold of us the more the merrier this spring
Please contact us for specific information based on when you wish to vacation at Black's Cliff Resort.