Late Sap Season

Posted: Apr 12, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
We were about to put away our sap collecting containers and the trees decided to have one last horah. Usually a 60 degree day shuts the trees down, instead I think it put them in hibernation and they came out with a vengence today. We had one of our biggest colletion days and will have to be busy tomorrow boiling the sap down. With the warm weather have come the ground bees and they have decided our sap buckets are the place to hang out. Luckily they filter out easy and we let them go Bees having a sugar part in our sap. I think they are high on sugar All of our collected sap waiting to boil down tomorrow. The pot with the lid has the batch we have been working on. I was expecting to have canned it already today but I think we will be adding to it instead and making it a bigger batch. The nice thing about sap is you can just keep adding to it and boiling it down repeatedly it does not hurt it and it does not spoil as long as you keep it cold in the fridge. We have also discovered for small burn off placing these pots on top of our woodstove in the house at night while we have a fire going works well. It does not create that much steam that it is an issue in the house in a small quanity at night. That way you are heating the house and the sap at the same time. Yeah! How much longer will the trees run..... I have no idea but we will keep boiling and storing. We are hitting max sap capacity though at the moment, time to cook!
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