Labor Day in Pictures from Harold

Posted: Sep 23, 2009
Categories:  Resort Life 
8133_1145360187363_1028258474_30372316_55099_n It is a new world withwireless internet at the resort. Guests can up load to Facebook instantly pics of their vacation and I can find them and upload them to the blog with in minutes. Crazy world. These pics are all compliments of Harold the highlights from Labor Day vacation. Harold's camera does better than mine at moon pics on a calm lake 8133_1145360947382_1028258474_30372319_3582106_n This pic of cousins enjoying the simple things in life away from technology is what vacation is all about. Now if we can get Harold and Maggie to give up their computers at night...... dangerous when Birchwood is under the wireless umbrella. 8133_1145361107386_1028258474_30372320_2366197_n Roy Voight, enjoying a last turn around the lake. No wet suit needed, unlike Memorial Day Weekend. Calm lake perfect for an end of the summer ski 8133_1145361227389_1028258474_30372321_4988160_n Gail Voight taking a bow to the end of summer.. See ya Memorial Day Weekend
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