Jazz in the Woods

Posted: Jul 31, 2014
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_5038 Last night was the first music night at the resort. We had a couple of guests who played jazz music Tim and Jackson share some songs. It was a perfect night at the new building. This was the reason we built it among other reasons, as a gathering place for the resort. IMG_5037 TIm and Jackson having a jam session. IMG_5036 Thanks to the guys for making it such a nice night for everyone to enjoy their music IMG_5039 Norah and Marin brought everyone taffy around the circle. This night was also set aside to give the girls their pop tabs for Ronald McDonald House in Minneapolis. Norah and Marin both with their sisters and mom and dad help out at Ronald McDonald house where and when they can. The last couple of years they have been collecting pop tabs to give to Ronald McDonald House. Everyone at the resort has started collecting them at home and from neighbors and brought the girls a load of caps. The girls love taffy from Dan's Fudge and every year buy a bunch to thank everyone for collecting. I have had several guests drop caps for the girls as well through out the year who heard about their collection on the blog. Thanks to Murry Hixson and Barb Moore for dropping bags of caps. I think Ruth and Mike Grady might have a well. If you have a bag of pop tops hanging around the house feel free to bring them on vacation I will store them til the girls come back next year IMG_5040 Jonah and his sister Eliza with the haul they collected with the help of neighbors. Jonah loves taffy IMG_5041 John Tompson with his haul from the Tompson Famiy IMG_5043 With the help of many others this is the haul that had been dropped at the resort over the year. Thanks to everyone who dropped tops for the girls. We will do it again next year! IMG_5049 Had to share the great thank you note I got from the girls. Thanks to Norah and Marin Chu for collecting the tops for such a great cause IMG_5027 In the previous pictures you might have noticed a lot more landscaping around the building. The guys went out to our leaf pile for mulch and ferns earlier in the day from the music and pop top party IMG_5028 Setting everything in place. Ferns are easy to transplant if you have never tried. IMG_5029 Free leaf mulch is our favorite mulch IMG_5030 We still have plants and more mulch to add to the area but it is coming along. After 100 years of people walking across this area the soil has been depleted and it is time to bring it back with trees, mulch and plants IMG_5031 Loving the new green space next to the office. This should fill in more and more in a few years IMG_5026 Katie, my sister brought by her latest art work she is selling. She is am amazing artist and has 8 discs that she is going to be creating animals on this summer. Katie painted all of this by hand. I love her art work, from someone that paints John Deer green boats and has no artistic abilities besides making socks. These will be for sale in the gift shop this year
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