Iphone 14 Discovers Fall Color
Posted: Sep 25, 2023
Happy Fall! The colors are turning. Just in time for great color pictures, I dropped my iPhone 10 for the last hurrah of my screen. I had been limping it through the summer and had planned to replace it. After 7 great years it was time to retire the old phone. As anyone who has retired a phone knows that comes with hours at the verizon store and lots of time recooking up accounts and passwords. One of the mysteries of life solved this week as getting the new phone to recognize my computer to air drop. I had a back log of great pictures to share but a phone and computer that were ignoring each other. When in doubt google has the answer and I finally got them talking. So enjoy the new quality pictures from iPhone 14 pro

Of course Oogie was ready to pose for the camera. This is before he waded into the bog of black muck

This tree looks like color has been dripped on it from above

Back to my favorite subject. There was a gaggle of goldens at the resort this week

Oogje was missing for an hour and I had to back track to discover a very unhappy dog locked in my office. Apparently he was taking a nap when I left
He did not find the situation funny. Purl did

Back to pretty color pictures

Hey Kevin, great job cutting up some kindling. See Facebook for the video of Kevin's special kindling cutter.

Beautiful color on the Bearskin Trail

It was a great weekend to head down the trail We use our electric bikes. There are two places in town to rent them for your own trip down the trail
Also check out the Heart of Vilas trail from Boulder Junction to Manitowish and The Clear Lake Trail to Lake Tomahawk our 2 favorite paved trails

I think it was Jackie who shared the neighbors using the raft

Back to work. The shed is filling quickly the guys are up to 7 rows
Beef A Rama is this weekend. If you have never experienced it, it is time to. We have a few cabins open with 2 night minimums. Time to enjoy fall and check out one of the best festivals in Wisconsin
Please contact us for specific information based on when you wish to vacation at Black's Cliff Resort.