Into the Oldie but Goodies File

Posted: Apr 08, 2010
Categories:  Resort Life 
resort road024 It is a gloomy April day and I think I saw a couple of snowflakes. No inspiration for photography today, turning on the heat in a cabin and spring cleaning an oven is more in order than being outside. I did stop at Ace Hardware and got some paint in anticipation of better weather next week for the beginning of painting. So it seemed like a good day to go into the old photo file and post a few. This one is the road coming into the resort probably standing by Bayview and looking down the driveway Wigwam on the right and Muskie and Birchwood on the left resort 48142 Boat painting has a long tradition pictured above is Maynard, Dave, Craig and Millie's parents the Egsteds up to help with spring opening of the resort and boat painting. I think the paint on some of these boats kept holes covered resort 48069 I put this old pic of the sea plane arriving to give folks a ride in just for Paul and Linda who I know took a few rides on this plane. It used to land on the lake and pull up to the dock and take anyone with ticket money along for a ride. I remember the rides being 5 dollars. I would love to see what an insurance company today would think of a sea plane with a moving propeller pulling up to the swimming dock... I am sure they would love it resort plans042 The old blue prints of Birchwood. It changed a little over the years... Notice no bathroom in the plan. resort 48155 Some views never change
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