If You Were 12, What Would You Choose

Posted: Jan 21, 2014
Categories:  Resort Life 
IMG_3741 If you were 12 - 14 and had to get back and forth to school what would be your choice of travel. Yellow School bus on the right or kick ass snowmobile on the left with your buddies tearing up the trail with your books in your backpack. I do not need to tell you what is the most popular choice at the elementary K-8 school in Minocqua IMG_3742 This morning there were only 3 sleds parked in the snowmobile parking area. Usually there are about a dozen, but the cold temps have a few choosing the warmer bus or mom and dads car. Always fun to see them taking off after school bopping down the trail. Fun for everyone but Grant who is stuck with mom picking him up as he watches his buddies head down the trail IMG_3745 Speaking of the trail. Conditions are the best in years. Plenty of snow and cold have the Bearskin looking good this winter. We can always use more snow, but for the most part there have been no complaints this year from sledders or skiers IMG_3746 For all the shoppers out there who stop into our local awesome thrift store Saint Matthias, I am posting their list of where all the profits from the store go. It is pretty impressive what this band of volunteers does with discarded stuff. In the list you will see 60,000 for Fredricks Place. That is a Rhinelander family shelter and Saint Matthias footed the bill for having an old bathroom replaces in the shelter. Way to go Saint Matthias! If in the area stop in, it is the cleanest and best run thrift store in the north and they do great things with the money the collect
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