Ice Out 2013

Posted: Mar 01, 2013
Categories:  Resort Life 
Today is March 1st and that means one thing..... Cliff has come out of the basement for Ice Out 2013. Out of the closet... out of the basement there is a joke in there somewhere but it is not coming to me Cliff has taken up his post about 100 feet from shore of Lower Kaubashine. Guess what day and TIME he will sink into the depths of Lower Kaubashine. Send your guess along with your name and address and 5 dollars to Ice Out 2013 C/O Black's Cliff Resort PO Box 125 Hazelhurst WI 54531 The person with the closest day and time will be the winner and win 1/2 of the pot. I will have a few consolation prizes as well but I will leave those for a surprise for the others that pick the same day but not the closest time. You guess must be in my mail box by March 10th so get them in the mail today!!! The remaining half of the cash pot will be donated to the Lakeland Food Pantry this year. It is a tough year for a lot of folks in the country and we thought it was a good year to put the Ice Out proceeds towards the Food Pantry So join us once again this spring to watch the lake melt away and watch Cliff take the icy plunge into Lower Kaubashine Get your guesses in and tune in to see when he sinks
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