How much snow did we get.... too much
Posted: Mar 25, 2011
Resort Life
How much snow you ask.. well Mack asked as well and down the beach steps we went. They were definitely snow covered once again
Yep time to get the boots back out. I would like to point out that these boots had been put on much earlier to drive to town on Hwy 51 to get 3 kids to school. We were under a winter storm warning for 24 hours but for some reason, our local schools decided to brave it and had school... grumble grumble. If it was not for a high schooler insisting he had to go to school for Biology and and a Geometry review I would have happily told them all to stay home. Hwy 51 was down to 1 lane each way and later in the morning was completely closed but 95% of the kids in the Minocqua area made it to school... I did stop in to 2 principles offices and let them know my opinion of having school in a winter storm warning with my boots, parka, hat, gloves and white knuckles from driving Hwy 51
Somewhere under all that snow is the stairs to the beach
30mph wind blowing snow off the trees. Did I mention the blowing and drifting snow across Hwy 51 this morning as I was driving?
Boats snowed in again incased in drifts.. But we still had school
Cliff buffering the wind and snow as my mini van did this morning on the way to school...
How I looked stepping into the principles off ice this morning after driving through the snow before having my coffee
Mack's opinion "What in the world is your problem... just stick your snout in the snow and cool off, leave the poor principles alone"
In the meantime Steve arrived in his little car that braved the roads. Who needs an SUV if Steve can safely negotiate the snow covered roads of Minocqua in his faithful Jetta
Time to dig the plow out and put it back on the truck
You know Craig at this moment is laying in the sun of Phoenix sipping a Mexican Beer.
Linning up for the connection. The old truck used to take a half an hour, and many swear words so we never took the plow off til the end of winter. The new one is supposed to be easier and I had not been outside with the camera to witness it til now
Your fine straight forward
Hmm it is not going on like the manual says... something is not right
Ok we need a small adjustment.. Put that damn camera down and hop in the truck. Don't move anything til we tell you too
Are you sure you want me involved? Which way did you want the plow moved?
I have no idea why they decided to give me this hat but it sure is warm. No idea why Steve is snickering
I did not tell you to move the plow.. my right is not the same as your right I don't care what that damn hat says, get out of the truck we will try it a different way
How do we get it back to like it was before, before it is like it was now.... I told you she is a jinx to putting plows on
Heave Ho... This is not in the plow manual...
Yeee Hawww time to plow some snow
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