Horse Shoes 2012

Posted: Jul 07, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
The 4th of July means fireworks, family and HORSESHOES. Roy and Carol Tungett once again organized our 2012 tournament. Names and numbers went in cups and everyone drew for spots and partners Gloria holding the Pony Plaque which nobody wants to be on for never getting into the final 4. You have to play for 3 years and once you have not won for 3 years you get your name on the plaque It was decided that this year a new pony plaque needs to be made as the number of Loosers has expanded. All who wished to this year not make it on the Pony Plaque Chris Moran was determined that 2012 was the year he got his name off the plaque The tournament started off with a classic match of Katie vs. Linda. Posing with their Brusten Halters.... No comment from me, use your imagination There was much debate and measuring but in the end..... Linda was the looser and Katie was a sideways winner... I was particularly interested in the father and son match of Troy vs Jake. If Jake won I am not sure how Troy would have taken it Jake had form but... In the end experience won the day and on to the next round Mr Tungett filling out the brackets A rather interesting character showed up to cheer everyone on.. but what has his name.... No further explanation needed We had a bunch of newbies this year to the tournament. The Luedtke family came complete with T Shirts Just waiting for their 3 year mark to make it on the pony plaque In the end it was a rematch of 2011 with Tom Hixson vs. Troy Tom's partner was Katie who had a secret... she was just happy to be in the final 4 as it kept her name off the new pony plaque that she would have qualified for this year except for her final 4 finish in 2012 Troy's partner was Kris Hixson who was spotted practicing a few times during the week What were the stakes...... The grand prize was a certain treasured lamp that was donated to the tournament by Kim Flower. I believe nobody had seen anything this ugly since the appearance of the Beaver a few years ago. New bloggers wonder what I am talking about.... the tale of the beaver is a story for another day. I have found the final resting place of the Beaver and may picture it someday There was much controversy but the ruler came out to settle the score.. the winner were.... drum roll please as Uh Oh the god of horseshoes comes in to present the prizes to the winner and runner up Uh Oh as only Uh Oh came make an appearance The bringing in of the plaques Uh Oh, calling the final 4 in for their winners ceremony. Each year we have no idea what they are up to, but it always involves being pelted with dirt by cute kids This year our tournament had its first corporate sponsorship. Charles Hebert donated the 2nd place prizes from his company where he and his lovely shipping assistant sell muskie lures. If you are looking for a new muskie lure check out Charles's company Who knew our little tournament could attract recognition from a corporate sponsor The Runners Up Tom and Katie with their lucky new lures. Maybe next time they can improve their hook to beat... The 2012 winners Kris and Troy The presentation of the prize everyone sought after. The smile on Kim's face is the fact that this lamp will not be in her house any longer Troy and Kris quietly asking each other... who wants this thing? Chris deciding that hmmmm the front window in our house would be perfect just like in the movie "The Christmas Story" and the leg lamp Tom Hixson being presented a special award from his friend Uh Oh Oh No..... it is Mr Bill.... I have but one comment for Troy in this picture.. "Put that down and back away from that lamp, I don't care if you won it, it is not going in our house" After the tournament it was our annual pot luck on the play ground I am not sure how many were seated at the table but it was quite a few. Lots of laughs, a few tears and a little Svambuka Live music provided by Bryon Black strumming away. see you all in 2013 when we gather again with Mr Tungett, Uh OH, Oh No and everyone else for a little ringer fun around the pits
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