Helping Dad

Posted: Apr 30, 2012
Categories:  Resort Life 
There are many reasons I had kids, one of the many is so that I no longer have to help Troy put in docks. I am not sure who liked putting in docks less Troy working with me or me working with him. I thanked Jake for taking over this job for me. Troy said thank you as well quietly when I was headed up the steps thinking I would not hear but I did. Side Note: See the dog butt in the lower left. It is Riley's butt the dog of many lives has made it through the winter at 14.5 years old. He is Katie and Bryon's dog they have had since dating. Many in the resort have met him thinking he is a wild coyotoe. Katie has had fun over the years telling folks he is a pure bred African bush dog. She actually had someone ask her one time where the breeder was Yes take my picture and Yes I am annoyed at this dock for not being straight. Should have been done with this project an hour ago Just happy I can work off my tux for Prom and maybe mom will make a batch of chocolate chip cookies while I am down here Round 2 of docks. Ben and Grant taking mom's spot. Troy still smiling and happy to not doing this job with me. He is so happy he searched the basement to make sure the boys did not have leaky wadders and would be willing to do this again in the fall and next spring. Does this explain how much fun he has had doing this job with me over the years. Happily leaving them to the job While the boys were busy at the beach time to make those cookies and get all the pots out of the shed to start thinking of what to plant in them
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