Happy Thanksgiving From the Cliff

Posted: Nov 25, 2011
Categories:  Resort Life 
Thanksgiving at the Cliff. The Evans guys devoured a 16 lb turkey just the 4 of them. All I saw in the middle was a carcass. This was an impressive feat Next door the Weiss family was enjoying a quiet Thanksgiving having had their turkey on Wednesday, so Thanksgiving I had to track them down because they were all walking off the meal from the day before Half of the Becksmith family was also out walking. Walking was the theme of the day. The smells coming from the cabins as you walked past were amazing! The Kischel family was enjoying I think their 4th Thanksgiving at the Cliff. It has become quite a tradition for them Mike and Luz Rose had just arrived and headed to Save More to pick up their turkey. They had much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, Mike had a heart attack less than a week ago and we were just all happy he made it to the resort. Luz drove up for the first time. They always look forward to the lit Christmas tree outside of Wildflower that I set up always on Friday after Thanksgiving. Giving Thanks took on a whole new meaning this year I tracked down the Sveda family just when half time of the Packer game was ending. This was the quickest family picture taken so everyone could get back to the game The Cikowski family..... were hard to track down. Even in this picture Tommy is missing... why were they hard to track down? Because every chance they had, Al and Tommy were down at the lake with a line in the water before the game, half time and as soon as it was over. Last year Al caught a Muskie on Thanksgiving, this year.. not yet The only family I missed was the Pryzdia family in Muskie... a picture was not to be.. I would love to have caught the picture with Kate and all the arranging she does in Muskie making it just right. I think she studies in Fung-Shway (spelling?) At our house the turkey came out just right following the time honored tradition of Craig's stuffing who was taught by Millie There were some interesting cooks who showed up to help. He may kill me for this picture but it was to funny to not include Nothing bonds a family or is better for digesting a turkey quite like a little guitar hero complete with singing Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
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